Friday, September 27, 2013

Broken politics contributing to moral decline in USA

I recently received this email from my senator, Mike Lee:

"I was honored to join my colleague, Senator Ted Cruz, in an extraordinary effort to bring the voices of the American people to the halls of Congress with one simple purpose: to make DC listen to the American people's concerns with Obamacare.  Senator Cruz started speaking at 2:41 p.m. on Tuesday, and he spoke for 21 hours on the Senate Floor.  I stayed up with him through the night, and I had several opportunities to share the concerns of the American people from the Senate Floor while also outlining the path Republicans can take to defund Obamacare."

I am bewildered that Mike Lee thinks that attempting to force congress to get rid of Obamacare in exchange for keeping the government running is a good idea.

Do you like to be forced?  Do you know anyone who likes to be forced?  I sure don't!

Why does Mike Lee think that trying to force anyone to do something is going to bear positive fruit?  I am at a loss here.

From where I sit, it appears that the Democratic party in this country is the party taking the clear, thoughtful approach to government while the Republican party increasingly is looking disorganized, drifting, purposeless, and powerless.

Unfortunately, with the GOP traditionally being associated with religious conservatives, I fear that level-headed Democrats may continue to view most/all religious ideas as "bad" (as well as any other idea coming from the GOP) and continue to try to distance the country away from such ideas.  This may mean that the moral standard of our country will continue to decline which will be bad for Democrats and Republicans alike.

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